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Second week – 9th day trainingShort runWeight before: 145 lbWeight after: 145 lbDrink: 750 ml Gatorade + 1 L protien milk shakeDistance: 6 km + 500 m walkIntensity: Medium – FastTime Started: 6:25 pmDuration: 1 hr 15 minWeather: Humid and Sunny Good run. Legs are not stiff at all. Sweat heavily. Very humid weather. Stop […]

Second week – 8th day trainingRunWeight before: 146.5 lbWeight after: 145 lbDrink: 750 ml GatoradeDistance: 11.4 kmIntensity: Light – MediumTime Started: 7:05 amDuration: 1 hr 40 min (100 min)Weather: Humid and sunny (after rain) Good run. Stop during traffic lights. Stop for 400-500 m at Streetsville. Left knee feel pain half way through the run. […]

Second Week – 7th day trainingBikeDistance: 20 kmTime: 50 minIntensity: Light – MediumTime: 5:15 pmWeather: Humid, strong wind, partial cloudy. Suppose to bike 2 hr. Not enough time. Pace was good. For a while, I was crusing at 40 km along Glen Erin. Legs feel fine afterwards. No stiffness, no soreness.

Another poem. I really enjoy this one. It reflects exactly what I have been thinking..especially the part where it said everyday is the first day and the last day of my life. Tri-mantra (to be hissed or groaned at any unfriendly hill) In my world, The water is cold, The wind is hard, And the […]

First week – 6th day training Short Run Distance: 6 km Time: 1 hr Intensity: Light Time: 5:45 pm I ran over to see Sam’s softball game. By the time I got there her game was over. Talked a bit with Joel before ran back. Legs are a bit sore.