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Forgive others just as in Christ God forgave you

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I was reading Ephesians last night…..I stumbled on a verse I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

Ephesians 4:32

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Note: Though I highlight just one verse from the chapter, I suggest we read this verse in light of the whole chapter…in fact, read the whole letter to have a better grasp of what Paul is talking about.

A while back I had a conversation with a sister over gmail chat.  We were talking about church and she was telling me how much she was hurt and it was totally unfair.  After all, she didn’t do anything wrong.
I suggested to her she should go and made rights to those who relationships were damage.  She asked why she had to do it?  I replied….

Did God forgive you after you realize you were wrong? Or before?  You should go and forgive others the same way how God forgives you.

As Christians, we know Jesus redeemed us for our transgressions before even we realize we sinned against Him.  This just make sense. I mean, Jesus died and resurrected 2,000 years ago.  I was born 30 years ago.  Surely, Jesus already suffered for my sins back then.  For a Biblical backing, take a look at Romans 5:8:

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

While.  It wasn’t after.  Jesus died for us before we even aware we wronged Him. 

God’s forgiveness.  His forgiveness is beyond my understanding.  It is not that I don’t comprehend it.  I do.  I just think it is unfair.   

Why should I go and reconcile when I am right?  
Why should I do all the work?  
Why should I risk getting hurt again?  
They should do it.  They mess up.  blah blah blah blah.

A part of me, the self righteous part, always look for way to work around it.

Surely Jesus didn’t do that.  
But this time it is different.  
This time I am really right.  
This time is exception.

And that’s the human condition.  We always know we are right.  The other side is always wrong.  We take a portion of Truth, mix it with our own self righteousness and consider ourselves worthy.

Yet, Jesus, did the opposite.  He lowered His position.  Come down from Heaven as a man.  Bear the suffering.  On the cross.  So that we can be reconcile to God through His suffering.

I had been listening to Tim Keller’s sermons again.  Forgiveness, in God’s way, takes initiative and bears the pain.  And my forgiveness should be the same.  Even if a brother or a sister wronged me.

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

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