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The joy of sharing the Gospel

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As a deacon of the church, Sunday is a very busy day.

My day usually starts with getting up at 7 or so. I don’t stay up late on Sat anymore. I start off the day with ironing my shirts, prepare my Bible, materials. I try to not think about too many things I need to do and reflected on what God wants me to do.

Drive to church. The drive is usually very peaceful. I shut off the radio. There is no distractions. More reflecting on God.

8:45 pre-service prayer meeting.
9:15 some of the pamphlets wasn’t folded. Folded with another brother.
9:30 passed pamphlets, set up signs.

I am in charge of the ushering ministry and watched over the service. So pretty much the service, I was on my toe checking for new visitors, making sure people find seats, get pamphlets.

The Sun was first Sun and at my church, we had communion. So I made sure the leaders were ready to pass out bread and wine.

The service ended and I looked for new visitors. Say hi and introduce them to our church. There were a couple from Vancouver and came to my city to work. They are looking for a church. I welcomed them. I hope they are able to see this as their spiritual home.

We also had a guest speaker this Sun. The speaker used a piggy bank as a demonstrate and he broke it on stage. After the service, I took the vacuum cleaner and help clean the stage.

After service, I coach the Bible Quiz. Fun stuff. We played games and picked a team shirt. There were many new faces.

We had lunch at church. A brother (new Christian) wanted to do a Bible Study. I decided to do a quick one after lunch.

So after lunch…we spent 20-30 min on studying Jesus calling Matthew to be His Disciple. It was a quick and simple. Physically I was exhausted. Spiritually I was renewed.

I was glad and the joy of sitting down and share the Gospel (as I say it…Gab about God [GaG]).

The purpose of this post is not to show how much I do…for what I do don’t matter much. The most interesting is despite a busy day…the best time is sitting down with another person and shared the Gospel. That is one joy which nothing on world can offer.

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