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Quiteness, Doing and Loving…

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I wouldn’t say lately I am feeling good. I always feel a deep burden for the lost. The feeling to be alone. To not do anything. Even though, there is many things I should be doing. I just want to stop for a min.

I know I should rejoice to be in awe of my salvation….I have an urge to lament. The thought of Mississauga. The city with so many people. So little of them know Christ. Many souls wondering searching for something. Some of them are lost. Some of them came to Canada looking for a better future. Some of them trying to make a better for themselves and their family.

How many of them know Christ? How many of us are going out there? To preach, to act, to pray? I am afraid just like everyone else. But I want to see the Kingdom coming down upon Mississauga. I don’t know how it will happen or when. But I know my Lord listens and is acting right now slowly….

Today, a highschooler asked me about going to downtown and feed the homeless. I shared with him back in July and he wanted to join. I forgot and he reminded me today. I told him we would do it in late Nov or early Dec. Sometime it feels like what I do and act feels so different than the norm. Put it another, is someone seeing what I see? It was encouraging to see him asking me. A small thing. A small seed. Of all the things I do..I am encourage by that…

Lastly, I am reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan. This book just hit home how I have been feeling. I have been praying lately for God to convict me once again and refuel me with His passion and desire. The biggest struggle is to stay complacent in the church (building/organization). Keep the sense of urgency and the desire strong.

There is one quote I think captures what love is…Francis quoted it from Frederick Buechner in The Magnificent Defeat:

The love for equals is a human being – of friend for friend, brother for brother. It is to love what is loving and lovely. The world smiles. The love for the less fortunate is a beautiful thing – the love for those who suffer, for those who are poor, the sick, the failures, the unlovely. This is compassion, and it touches the heart of the world. The love for the more fortunate is a rare thing – to love those who succeed where we fail, to rejoice without envy with those who rejoice, the love of the poor and the rich, of the black man for the white man. The world is always bewildered by its saints. And then there is the love for the enemy – love for the one who does not love you but mocks, threatens, and inflicts pain. The tortured’s love for the torturer. This is God’s love. It conquers the world.

People who are obsessed with Jesus give freely and openly, without censure. Obsessed people love those who hate them and who can never love them back.

AMEN!!! God show the love to the x-th degree….I am in awe of that…so what am I praying for? For God to show up as He promise. For Him to act in this city of lost people. And if God has to drag me through the process….may I not focus on the pain and the suffering….but on Him as He suffered all that on the cross with humility.

Pain is good.
Good pain is good.
Godly pain is so much sweeter!

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