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Community and being alone..deep stuff

This is taken from today’s devotion….wow..very deep. Whoever cannot be alone should beware of community. Such people will only do harm to themselves and to the community. Alone you stood before God when God called you. Alone you had to obey God’s voice. Alone you had to take up your cross, struggle, and pray and […]

Belonging and Community

Recent events brought back memories a few years ago.  These memories are painful reminders. They are key points on my definition of a Christian community (or the Church). This memory is similar to the post, Fall Short. I can still remember those times in Junior High and Highschool when I do dumb things to feel like I […]

Quotes: On Christian Community

The quotes are from Dietrich Bonhoeffer‘s Life Together. They are taken from Tim Chester’s blog post. I have this book and dwell on one chapter while I was in Australia.  It was ironic during the time I was backpacking and alone where I realize what it meant to be part of a Christian community.  Granted […]

Mission as identity -> Mission as Community?

“It (Church) is not what you do on Sunday. It is who you are. To be a Christian is to be part of God’s people to express that life, your life through belonging to a Christian community. The heart of the mission of God is the creation of the people of God.” – Tim Chester […]

Pain, suffering and Christ follower

I have been doing triathlon for four years. Looking back, I changed quite a bit on my approach in how I train. In this season, I am working on more intense sessions. Time wise they are shorter but they are much more ‘painful’. I am sharing about this pain is because it relates to living […]

To serve…to love…

Once a month, some Christian friends and I go to Open Door to help out. On Thurs night, they serve food to anyone who wants it. The tiny room is usually packed with hungry parents, elderly and kids. For the past two months, I was in charge of organizing games after they had dinner. These […]

A little sense of community

Last night as I was leaving the Y and walking to my car, I thought about the sense of community that I experience outside of church. It was in 2006 when I started to seriously train for triathlon. What this means is a daily routine of exercise and a number of habits(rest, stretch, eating healthy […]

If the family were a Church…

Picked this post from Roy McClung’s blog. We often think of church as a family. What if we think of family as a church…. Here’s one possible scenario: Two young men walked in the den where grandma was watching her “stories”. They shuffled their feet, made small talk, but finally got down to business. “Grandma, […]

Confession, my hinderance to community living

In my previous post, I mentioned about Acts 2 Fellowship. Tonight, over a chat with a few brothers, I made a confession. The fact is a part of me is repulse by such a fellowship is possible. In Greek, the word for fellowship is koinonia. Based on Wiki, koinonia “implies the spirit of generous sharing […]

A small view of radicalness and community living

There was a snow storm in Mississauga the whole day yesterday. It wasn’t a storm. But a lot of snow fell during the day. By the time I got home, the driveway had about half a foot of the fluffy stuff. I tried to get on the driveway and got stuck half way. I asked […]