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A passion for the city

Tonight I had a great privilege to be part of the a short term mission training in my church. It was a spirit-filled time. Lots of laughter, sharing and praying. The team is made up of majority youths and I am excited to see the values we are instilling among the youths (that prayer is […]

Ingredients for a good conversation

I am meeting with a prof from Mac Div tomorrow for coffee. I never sat down with a prof off hours and chat. Today I made up a few questions to ask. Not really questions but thoughts that have been going off my mind. There is nothing like picking brains from those smarter than you […]

Darrin Patrick – Life with Non-Christians

Got this from Missio Dei Suburbia: For me, there are two area which I am intentionally at. Triathlon and Open Door. Off the bat, Darrin stresses do you like hanging out with non-Christians. This strike a cord. For me, there is always a tendency to hang out with Christians and live life. And often, people […]

Tribe or Mission?

Got this from Matt Adair’s blog which he quote from Tullian‘s (reference of a reference 🙂There’s a radical difference between tribal and missionary mindsets. The highest value of the tribal-minded is self-protection. Since these people feel safest around those just like them, they ask, “How can I protect myself from those who are different?” They […]