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The Most Important Year in a Man’s Life

Wai Jia and I brought a number of books to Uganda. One of them is Most Important Year in a Woman’s Life, The/The Most Important Year in a Man’s Life by Robert and Bobbie Wolgemuth. The whole premise of this book is to emphasize the first year of marriage as the most important investment for the […]

[Wed Q&A] How did you and Wai Jia meet and end up marrying so fast?

How did you and Wai Jia meet and end up marrying so fast? Would love to hear your love story, if possible! To be honest, it wasn’t as fast as you think.  Many people watched our video of how we got together and thought it was amazing. But in actual fact, we wrote to each […]

[Wed Q&A] How to move on from a relationship and forget about the person?

I received a number of questions about Jesus, faith and relationships. I’ve decided every Wednesday I will post one Question and Answer (Q&A). Wai Jia and I went back to Canada in June and we received a few questions from the youth in my church about relationship.  I will start with those and see where […]

Risk Factor

I am currently attending a course called Project Timothy.  This is a course for OMF members.  The course focuses on God’s calling, our own experiences with God and how He shapes our characters. One of the activities is creating a Timeline.  It is a summary of how the Lord has shaped me.   As I […]

I will risk myself on you

When Wai Jia and I planned our wedding a few months ago, we wanted to share with the world our story.  A friend introduced us a very talented videographer, Josiah Ng. If you haven’t watched it, I hope you can take the next 13 minutes to watch the video below.  It is God’s story weaving […]