My name is Cliff, and I am planning on doing a series of webinars on relationships. The webinars will cover the following:
- Singlehood
- Courtship
- Relationship (boyfriend/girlfriend)
- Marriage
- Parenthood
Ever since I married Wai Jia, my wonderful wife, we’ve counseled many regarding relationships. I’ve seen many young people desire to pursue a relationship in a Godly manner but do not knowhow. I hope this series will help others pursue a relationship in a way that glorifies Him without getting themselves hurt in the process.
If you are interested, please sign up below.
webinars timing and Format
I will run the webinars on Thursday evening (8:45 pm) and Saturday afternoon (2 pm). The timings are in Singapore time zone (GMT+8). If you are in Toronto or live in Eastern Standard time, the timings will be Thursday morning (7:45 am) and Saturday night (1 am!). Each webinar will be 45 min long with 15 min Q&A. Each week, I will discuss a new topic. There will be six topics in total. Topics are shown below. This series will start on 5th (Thurs) and 7th (Sat) November. It will go weekly until the second week of December (10th and 12th respectively).
Webinars Schedule
Bonus session 7
- Q&A with Wai Jia and Cliff – 17 Dec at 8:45 pm
Resources (other than the Bible)
- Boundaries in Dating by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend
- Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero
- This Momentary Marriage by John Piper
- The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller
- Emotionally Healthy Relationships Day by Day by Peter Scazzero
- The Language of Love & Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs
- The 5 Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell
- Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp
- How to Really Love Your Child by D. Ross Campbell
Questions I aim to cover
- what is a Godly relationship?
- What if the guy/girl I like is not interested in Jesus?
- how can I prepare myself for marriage?
- The Bible never mentioned about dating. So how can I date that glorifies God?
- What if my parents say no to the guy/girl I am interested in?
- How do I know when it is the right time to get marry?
- What if I am interested in a relationship but I have no one interested in my radar?
- [female] Do I have to wait for the guy to make the first move?
- What if I like my best friend but I am too scary to let him/her I like him/her?
- When it comes to physical intimacy, how far is too far?
- This person likes me but I don’t find him/her physically attractive even though he/she is very spiritual. What should I do?
If you have time, you can find out how God put Wai Jia and I together =D
Yes, I am interested in the webinar…
I am still coming up with the content. If you have any questions you like me to explore and want to keep it confidential, please enter them here.
Note: I am doing this as part of the Internship for my Masters of Divinity. My mentor may be sitting in on some sessions to evaluate my teaching skills. I am will be recording the webinars (just the slides and me speaking). Please note that all your questions and inquiries will be kept confidential as I understand relationship-related issues are personal.