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Rethinking Christian Growth and Salvation by Grace

Perhaps this is coming from the culture where we have to work hard to get things we want.  Like study hard in school, to get good grades and get recognize.  Work hard at work to make the big bucks to have a better life.  At the thought of something to gain without ‘working’ with our […]

What mature Christian do…

From Tim Keller‘s Counterfeit gods: The Empty Promises of Money, Sex, and Power, and the Only Hope That Matters Speaking about the characteristics of a mature Christian: Our hearts are like that. We think we’ve learned about grace, set our idols aside, and reached a place where we’re serving God not for what we’re going […]

More than just getting in

…“salvation” means more than just “getting in,” but transformed wholeness… Is Gospel Slander – Post from Tullian Tchividjian