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100 km/week, half mary and wine and cheese party…

Last week was my last build before the Toronto Marathon (Oct 19th).

I ran 100 km for that week. Earlier the week, I was wondering if this is achievable. Granted, I never run this far before. So I am pretty excited and scared to run this far.

I was adding up the mileage last night. I did a half marathon yesterday (more to tell) and it added up to 99.5 km. Then I realized I ran 500 m before the race to drop off a chip to a friend. Bam. 100 km 🙂

So how do I feel? Not too bad. Thurs and Sat, I really took it easy. I was busy and didn’t have time to go for easy runs.

The body seemed to absorb the volume quite well.

The half marathon yesterday was a lot of fun. It was an easy run for me and also a good prep for my A race. My friend was running her first half marathon. It was a lot of fun to see her doing her first race and her realization that she is going to be running further than she think she can.

We ran side by side. Her race pace was my easier pace. My HR was in Z1-Z2. I practiced getting water, gatorade and eating gel. At that pace, my stomach has no problems 🙂

Before the race…I got a big mouth…

Will you be my….oh wait..I am putting on her timing chip.
Bling bling! :o)

I ended the day going to a friend’s house for a wine and cheese party….all in all I can say.. good times…and taper now begins :o)

If you are bored :)

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