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Authenticity, organic, community revisited

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I’ve been gnawing at these thoughts for a while since I last posted, thoughts on church, people, authenticity.

One of the textbook I am reading for Christian Ethics: Money, Sex and Power, the authors discuss the individualistic society can be in conflict with community building.

In today’s society where we compete with one another for job, status, materials, what I want becomes more important to what the community needs.

I often wonder how much of the society culture trickles down to the culture of the church. After all, a church is a group of people and the culture of this group will reflect in the church.

There has been a lot of discussion about authenticity, organic and community. Me too, have been discussing about this…I need more authentic relationship. My church needs to be more organic. We need community.

Last year I was very gung ho about this. As I reflect about my own life and the culture that I live in, I am slowly uncovering rocks and I don’t like what I see underneath them.

And I am guilty as others, whom at times judge my church. The church needs better _____ (insert material/program/people/ministers/sermons/worship etc.)

And how often we pray for Acts 2 fellowship.
I wonder do I even know what Acts 2 Fellowship living is all about. I read the words…but am I living it out or merely just hearing them?

What does this tell us when a brother or sister barely come to church and then expect a great sermon and spiritual growth or a program?
Or when a bro is in need, everyone just pray and then go home.
Or seeing someone alone at church and no one wants to talk to him/her because they are different.

Is this Acts 2 Fellowship?

If a church is a group of people, a community? Why do I expect others to do things for me when I sit and watch? Am I an observer (or consumer) or a participant in the community?

We pray for Acts 2 fellowship….but are we willing to commit and willing to sacrifice for one another? Or do we switch to Acts 2 fellowship simply for convenience?

I sometimes cringe at those words, authenticity, organic and community. Not that because they ain’t important. Because I ain’t sure if I am living it out. And if I am not ready to commit for them…talking about it is not that much important.

The funny thing about ‘authentic’ fellowship (is there such thing as un-authentic friendship?) is that you don’t even need to talk about it. You feel and live it. (kinda like love).

My personal experience of authentic relationship was with a brother I met from university. I remembered one time I dragged him to the states for a Business Convention. He spent money and time to fly over simply because I asked him (more like I shouted at him until he submit).

We came back. It wasn’t an incredible convention. And he never said that it sucked or wasted of money. He simply went because he knew it was important for me and he joined in. No hard feelings what so ever.

I still looked back and reminded myself that’s gracious sharing. And at times when hard feelings are bubbling inside of me, I am reminded that’s what a brother would do for another brother.

The irony is that I never sat down with him and discuss our friendship. We never said, ‘oh we need to be more authentic with one another. Let’s meet more often.

As we graduated and live our lives, we don’t hang out as much. Sometimes once every two months. Yet, when we came together, it was great time.

A church brother once said, “revival starts with me…when I put myself in a circle..and sit there and pray and let God deal with how He wants..

In a self center society, we tend to sit and wait for someone else to ‘fix’ a problem. As much as I want independence, I want other to get things done.

We want someone else to do God’s Work. I do not want to participate. Too much to do. Not sure how to do it. Or just plain lazy.

When I participated in God’s Work, that’s when I feel both the greatest joy and greatest pain. The joy of serving for the Lord which I will not trade for anything else.

That’s also when I give up myself to be molded and transformed by His Will. When I rely on Him instead of my own (or others).

Perhaps, this self center thinking might not be so bad after all….

God’s Kingdom starts with I.
I will seek His Glory.
I will follow His Will and forgo mine.
I will relentlessly and graciously serve the lost, the least and the last.
I will live by faith, not by sight.
I will find the greatest joy in following the Lord…


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