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The Next Leg: 40-60

Yesterday was my birthday and I turned 41. For the past few weeks, I realized something, I am getting old :D. No kidding. Whereas I once view myself as the 20 something who go out and do something, I realized I have more responsibility to consider. Mind you, this may sound like a bad thing, […]

Do I want to go back to ministry? – a reflection

A special shoutout for my wife for putting the kids to sleep so I can write this blog 😀 I will jot a few thoughts about being a stay-at-home dad and someone who used to be in ministry.  Today someone asked me this question, “do I want to go back to ministry?” The answer is […]

Good and Good Enough

I had a conversation on FB and I like to share it here. The person wrote the following: Please define good and what is considered as good “enough”. Because we are all work in progress and we will never be good enough. Here’s my response: This is a ‘good’ question. It will be a longer-ish […]

The Subtlety of Pride

As someone with a liver transplant for thirty years, tests were done on me all the time. One common test is the blood test to measure my liver functions and the medication level in my bloodstream. Once in a while, I will have an ultrasound to scan the liver and make sure everything is ok. […]

bending backward to share the joy of Christ to my kids

Growing up, my family never really celebrated Christmas. I remembered we use to put up a tree when I was small. But as we grew up, neither my sister nor myself felt the need to do any decoration. Mind you; we weren’t Christians. Though we were baptized as Catholics, we weren’t very religious. When I […]

When work is our idol

The other day, I saw a post about Charles Spurgeon and his work for the Lord. Known as the “Prince of Preachers”, he wrote about 150 books and preached four to ten times every week. This is not including running a megachurch, directing a theological college, ran an orphanage, and oversaw 66 Christian charities. Ok, […]

God who sustains our marriage

Whenever someone I’ve known is Christian and is going to get married, I will often send him or her this quote from Dietrich Bonhoeffer: It is not your love that sustains the marriage, but from now on, the marriage that sustains your love. How I read it before is that from now on, it is […]

Acting like an athiest

In the past few weeks, I’ve been evaluating the things which make me anxious.   I believe there are ungodly beliefs, and God is training me to trust in Him more. Oswald Chambers once wrote that when disaster strikes or when pressure comes, a Christian will act like an atheist.  That is, they act as if […]

Hear From God

When I hear speakers talk about how to hear from God, I often hear the importance of worship, to listen and to read the Bible. These aren’t wrong. But one thing that I find very effective in hearing from God is making sure my heart is in the right place.In other words, sins, especially sins […]

Word Study

Last night I was doing a word study from the Bible. It helped me answer some questions I had, and at the same time, I have more questions I haven’t thought of before. A long time ago, a teacher once said that the more you dig into the Bible, the deeper it goes, and you […]