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Back on the training wagon

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Just jotting this down.

My blood pressure had been quite high for the past six months (150/100!).

To curb this down without taking medication for it, I am going back on the training wagon.  Last year, I took some time off from doing any races.

It is different mentality compared when I first getting into triathlon.  Before I had one goal, one race where I put all my effort and energy to prepare myself.  Perhaps I am more goal oriented, it is much harder for me to put in the hours for the sake of the hours (well, I guess a good motivation is of good health).

Given the fact that I’ve been inactive for a year, I figure I need to slowly ease myself back into training.  The goal right now is to do something active everyday.  Either run (30 min a day) or hit the gym and work out.  The jog is still low intensity, as in my legs are not sore afterwards.

Soon I will be hitting the pool and ride my bike on the trainer.

Definitely a bit different. I really want to do a longer distance tri, like a Half Ironman.  But given the commitments I have right now, not a good idea.

But one thing for sure is that I am going to get in a few of those 4-5 hour bike rides ;o).

One thing I realize about triathlon is how expensive the race entry has become.  Maybe it was just as expensive a few years ago.  One sprint tri for $67 (Binbrook Sprint Tri.  That’s nuts!  I might as well pay double the money and do four times the distance ($151 for Half Ironman Peterborough). At least that will get my money worth :o)

If you are bored :)

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