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Between God’s provision and a dental appointment

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Matthew 6:31-33

31So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

I was at the dentist last Sat. It was a regular check up. Since my bike accident three years ago, I had one back tooth that cracked and had to remove. Not to mention three front teeth that came out and I was toothless for about six months.

On Sat, I inquire about replacing that tooth.

The dentist suggested to use a bridge. I already had a bridge for my front top teeth. I had that fixed about a year ago.

The cost to have a bridge comes to $2,300.

With the current job, I have a dental plan to cover my expenses. Though the dentist told me, I might not be able to use it as my accident happened before I had this job.

We talked about when to have this bridge fix. I figured I get it done now before more complications later.

As I walked out of the dentist office, it dawned on me that it cost about $10,000 to fix my teeth. I had one bridge. Gone through five root canals (I even joke with my dentist I should get one for free :P). Seeing specialist and having it cleaned multiple times.

With that much money, I can get a car :o).

Though, I am grateful. I told the receptionist upon leaving that at least there is technology available for me to fix my teeth.

I remembered I was very scare right after the accident. I do not know if my teeth are fixable. Or where would I get the money from.

As I walked out, I also realize that God provided through the whole situation. Never once was I to the point where I had no money or starving from no food to eat. From saving to fix my teeth and training, I learn to let go of many expenses which I thought I use to need.

God definitely provided. Though he didn’t drop money from the sky the day I asked for it. He provided for all that I need through the years.

It has been three years since the accident. Three years since I was in my room sitting in my chair, head down praying like I never had before.

As I looked back and look forward, this is enough proof that God will take care of me. Whether the good times and the bad. And to not worry by continuing to seek His Kingdom and His righteousness.

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