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Blessings and Prosperity Gospel

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I spent last night clearing up my room. As fall is coming, it is time to pack the summer clothes away and change the wardrobe.

I came to realization that there are a number of shirts I haven’t worn for a year. I figured those are clothes I do not need and I collect a pile of clothes to be donated.

I know I am blessed when I have more clothes…so much more that I don’t even have time to wear them.

I was looking at my room and figuring out what I can give away. A collection of doodads. A decoration in the room. They are very nice things. Too much, however, seem to clutter my room.

I wonder how much things that are non important or urgent is cluttering my life.

I like my room when it is clear and neat. And I must admit I am not a very organize person. However, when my room is clear, there is a sense of serenity.

When my private life is in order, I feel a sense of peace. Even when the outside world is in calamity.

I don’t know where I got this idea. Probably from a blog or from a book. Or maybe from my own experience. I often wonder whether the things that I accumulated is truly a blessing.

When worldly things distract me from focusing on God? Is that truly a blessing? And I must admit, the laptop I got earlier this year, had me stayed up pretty late. In some occasion I was so tired getting to bed that I didn’t do my devotion.

I was reading Albert Mohler’s blog this morning. He written a post on, Are we Promised Prosperity? One part that struck me is:

that far more believers in Christ have been and are now among the poor, rather than among the wealthy. We should hear Jesus warn against materialism and Paul remind us that we are to be content when we have plenty and when we have little.

So perhaps the wealth is a double edge sword. I want more. I pray for it. It is not a blessing when I am distracted for it. And the irony is that I am asking God, whom I should serve, for more. It becomes an idle.

I wonder..when I pray for things…what am I really praying for? When I pray for a job, per say…am I praying to follow God’s Will or asking God to give me the job with lots of $? When I pray for over situation (say a disagreeable coworker)? Am I praying to reconcile with him at the same time extending Grace? Or am I doing it so I can have a more comfortable (prosperous) life?

Last night, I cleaned up all my summer clothes. I also donated a portion of winter wear that I don’t need. The good news is that I have a lot more room in my closet. Now I just have to unpack all the clutter in my heart and leave more room for Him.

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