Hi, I am still working on updating my website. This means some of the content is not accessible. I am sorry about this :) Have a great day!

Walking Rightly

This was written a few days before we moved to Singapore.…We are currently in the midst of transiting from Canada to Singapore. I did the same thing back in 2011, and I thought it was difficult. Now having two kids, I realized ‘difficult’ is a matter of perspective. In the past two months, there were […]

My Goal is God Himself

My goal is God Himself, not joy nor peace,Nor even blessing, but Himself, my God. Taken from today’s Utmost devotion.


It is not uncommon for Christians to bless one another to be “people of influence.” What is influence?  What does it mean in God’s eyes compared to how the world sees it? Influence may be defined as: the capacity or power of persons or things to be a compelling force on or produce effects on […]

Quote: A. B. Simpson on renouncing our rights

I solemnly believe that most of the blessings that have been given to me in my life and ministry have come because of the evil things people have said of me, and because God made me willing to allow them to say them.A. B. Simpson


Before I did my first triathlon, I went online and asked others for help. The forums were filled with ‘wisdom’ and lots and lots of to do lists for the first-timer. Some say you have to bring a bucket filled with water so you can get the sand off of your feet after your swim. […]

Bible Books Abbreviations in MLA style

I’ve been writing a lot of essays in the MLA format. One thing I found hard is to know the abbreviations for each book in the Bible in MLA format. The table below is based on the Common Abbreviations for Books of the Bible — MLA at Henry Buhl Library. They had the books in […]

The sure way to finish strong in Christ

  A photo posted by Generations Youth Ministry (@generationssg) on Nov 4, 2016 at 7:55pm PDT Wai Jia and I had the opportunity to preach at Generations, Cornerstone Community Church’s Youth Service, before we returned to Canada. Every time I preach, it is an extraordinary occasion. It is a time to share God’s Word and […]

Joy in Obedience

It has been a while since I blog.  In fact, our times in Uganda and now back in Singapore have been quiet on the blog front.  On my desktop there are many word docs saved.  Each doc is a blog post which I started but never finished. I am now 36 and moving quickly into […]

Speaking at Q Commons on Resilience and Faith

Last night I had the privilege of speaking at Q Commons (Singapore).  Q Commons is an event bringing like-minded Christians and non-Christians to discuss how to advance the common good in our community. My topic was Finding resilience through my faith in Christ. I haven’t spoke on my own journey for a long time.  It was […]

See you later, Uganda

In a few hours, Wai Jia and I will be hopping on a plane leaving Uganda. I haven’t blog much about our experience in Africa. The past year was a year of laboring for the Lord and experiencing the faithfulness of His goodness. I am leaving with ever more desire to serve Him and seek […]