Hi, I am still working on updating my website. This means some of the content is not accessible. I am sorry about this :) Have a great day!


It has been a while since I updated my blog. Things are a bit busy lately in Uganda.  The Bible School had a graduation last month.   School will begin again in January.  In the mean time, Wai Jia and I with the local pastor is trying to get a number of livelihood projects going. […]

Cruising through Burundi

When we were in Burundi last month, I took a number of video clips as we drove around the city.  I compiled them into a video.  It is a bit shaky and the quality might not be the best (I was using a simple handheld).  But I hope it captured what life is like in […]

Missing Home?

The other day, Wai Jia asked me if I miss home. I replied and asked which home? She gave me three options: Hong Kong – where I was born and lived until I was 8 Canada – where I lived for more than 20 years Singapore – where I was living for 2.5 years prior coming to […]

Everyday is an adventure

We’ve been in Uganda a little more than two months now.   We had our fair share of stressful and unique experiences.  We are adjusting, adapting and at times enjoying the way life is like in Africa.  Some of our worst moments is the car broke down next to the street market and we don’t know […]

Worship in Spirit and truth

A few people asked us why Uganda given that Uganda is Christianized. Since the 1800s, Christian missionaries have been to Uganda to share the gospel. If you asked most of the locals their religion, they will call themselves Christians. So why we are here if most of Uganda is already reached? On our recce trip to […]

The Most Important Year in a Man’s Life

Wai Jia and I brought a number of books to Uganda. One of them is Most Important Year in a Woman’s Life, The/The Most Important Year in a Man’s Life by Robert and Bobbie Wolgemuth. The whole premise of this book is to emphasize the first year of marriage as the most important investment for the […]

Writing to your MP (Member of Parliament)

Bible Society published an article on how you can help the Christians getting persecuted in Iraq. One of the ways to help is to write to your MP (Member of Parliament).  I never written to my MP before.  Sometimes I get stuck with the idea that writing one letter will not make a difference in […]

Parable of the Good Samaritan in Uganda

“Cliff, I think there is a man lying on the road.” Wai Jia said this morning as we were driving to church. Last month I preached on loving your neighbours using the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10).  I ended off the sermon describing how I avoided someone who needed help with his car […]

How can we have free will if God is Soverign?

If God is Soverign, how can we have free will?  If God is in control of everything, doesn’t that mean we really don’t have free will? How do we answer to that? God is Soverign and He is in control of everything.  At the same time, we all have free will and we can make […]

How to go

This is taken from Oswald Chambers’ So I send You & Workmen of God. How to go – Acts 1:8 There is always the danger of starting up false enthusiasm in missionary work. “Oh yes, I will go; where shall I go?” That is like making a false start in a race and having to go […]