Hi, I am still working on updating my website. This means some of the content is not accessible. I am sorry about this :) Have a great day!

Messing around My friend, Marc Wong, came along with me on a training ride last year in August. It was my last ride before heading to World Transplant Games 2009. Tonight I was messing around with one of the photos.

Leader in Crisis

Blogging this through my Christian Leadership course…. This morning’s devotion was on when leader in crisis. The passage is 1 Samuel 30. The situation – the Amalekites made a raid and took all the women and everyone and took off valuables. David and his men came back to the city burning to the ground… David’s […]


In the midst of darkness and isolation, I smile. For I know I am not alone. The last half of last year, I have been feeling up and down. Perhaps this is a bit of naive thinking, I always thought when someone has a desire to share the Gospel, the Christian circle will encourage. This […]

Ryan Blais – Canada Post Olympic Bio

Man enough

One of the most popular post in this blog is the Adrian Plass’ poem. I was re-reading it today. For the past few weeks…since November, my emotion had been up and down. I really wanted to follow Christ. Yet the passion is not there. What seemed to be easy task like sending out an email […]

January It seems that I have fallen off the blogasphere. Going on a bit of a hiatus. We are renovating the house. Everything is moved down to the basement. Tonight, I bought my bike up for a quick 2 hr ride. I went snowshoeing last Sat. It was nice. As much as I want to […]

Blessed are the Poor

http://sermons2.redeemer.com/sermons/blessed-are-poor One of the clearest commands Jesus gives us in the Gospels is to give to the poor. Jesus became poor for us, and we must also love the poor with radical generosity. AMEN!

A new heart, a new character

Excerpt from “A new heart, a new character” By Richard Wurmbrand – Founder of the Voice of the Martyrs A Communist officer, beating a Christian prisoner with a rubber truncheon, put his stick aside and asked, “What is it about you? How is it that your face is shining? You have something like a halo […]

What I should pray for…

A few weeks ago, in a sense of brokenness, I asked God to change my heart. It wasn’t the fact that my life is not going well. I just feel unmotivated. How often would I pray to God for external things or to change my external circumstances. Like for a new car if I do […]

What I learn from my fellowship’s Bible Study

Matthew 16:15-17 He (Jesus) said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” And Jesus said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. […]