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On Fri, I took two missionary friends for lunch.

One of them are going to Japan next month for a short term mission.  During the lunch, I shared about what I intend to do in the near future.

Just speaking about it, it feels like there is a lot of changes going to happen in my life. Well, technically it is not just feel like because there will be many changes.

I have one week vacation left this year and since I worked in my company for three years, I am entitle three weeks vacation.  My plan is to transfer this year’s vacation days and combine it with next year’s vacation to go on a mission trip.  Three to four weeks time frame.  Not sure when and where. Will have to pray on that.

The conversation led to talking about how much joy they had working at OMF (Overseas Missionary Fellowship) and how the Spirit worked in their lives.

I also indicated to them my desire to work in a Christian organization….

It’s funny if someone asked me to work in a Christian organization a few years ago I would decline. I believed that the best way to witness is through a non Christian organization.  At my work, I was the only Christian there. There were many conversations where I talked about my faith.  Not only did I had good coworkers, I also refine my thinking and my actions on what it means to be a Christian and sharing Christ to others who are very far away from God.

…I attended a wedding this afternoon.  Catching up with a friend, she asked me if I am running this summer.  I told her that I took a break and not racing.  She was quite surprised.  Hehe….yup so that’s another change.

…picked this up on Youtube.  I am a big fan of Goo Goo Dolls.

Feel The Silence

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