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Finding the source of high blood pressure – Overloaded?!?

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High Blood pressure can be caused diet, heredity, other drugs, active lifestyle and stress.

I was wondering if it was stress.  I could recalled prior to going to Cambodia I was very stressful from work, ministries and school.  
I am not sure exactly what’s going on until I stumbled a blog post on Oct (http://soulofachristiantriathlete.blogspot.com/2010/06/chat-reflection-i-am-done.html)
Of course, there are other causes.  The medication I am taking, cyclosporin, also cause high blood pressure.  My mom also has high blood pressure.  I’ve been eating more salt last year.  Also, I stopped training last year.
So what’s this all means?  Well, for one, it is seriously learning to say no and know my limit.  Over work (burn out?) perhaps it is masking a sign of insecurity or the superman syndrome.  Maybe frankly, I am more stress for the past six months than I thought.  Though last night, having pho with D, we had a great time.
I am not sure if this is due to the high blood pressure or the stress from things.  I can barely recalled the last time I enjoy a weekend.  Or those Saturdays where I enjoyed getting up and going out for a ride.  Perhaps training is not so bad after all.  
Last night I went to the swimming pool and just swim.  Either I am out of shape or the high blood pressure, I cannot swim more than two laps of freestyle.  Side note: I use to swim 10 laps just for warm up.  It felt good to be in the water again.  I can feel my left arm is not stroking probably.  

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