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Forward Ever, Backward Never

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Forward Ever, Backward Never

This is the slogan of a primary school we ministered when we were in Uganda.

If you are to ask me how’s my spiritual life, right now.  I will use this slogan.

Being a father a few weeks ago and studying Masters of Divinity at the same time is no easy feat.  The baby always have an impeccable timing of crying or a need whenever I have an urge to sit down to study or write a paper.   This doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy our child.  A child is definitely a blessing from God!!!

And it feels strange.  Shouldn’t I be working right now to make sure we can pay the bills?  Wouldn’t that be the rational thing to do?

Yes, it is.  But spending time to study God’s Word is far more valuable. This is not a time to settle but rather it is a season of preparation for the future.

And this the season we are finding ourselves in. 

Once in a while, the idea of settling down is very tempting.  What if we stay in Mississauga or in Singapore?  Wouldn’t it be better for us and our child?  

Then the desire and hunger to follow God return and these thoughts simply don’t make sense more.

As Jesus said, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62).

God has called us to follow, so we follow.  This is truly exciting and scary at the same time.  But we trust in Him.  He has provided for us in the past.  He will provide for us in the future.

We are moving forward and not looking back.
Forward ever. Backward never.

If you are bored :)

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