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From the Pros: Reid and Rapp

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Specialized did an one hour interview with Peter Reid and Jordan Rapp.  Peter Reid was a three time Ironman Champion.  When I started triathlon backed in 2005, he was at the end of his career.  Definitely a humble and a very VERY fast guy.

Jordan Rapp is also an Ironman Triathlete.  I don’t know much about him other than the fact that he had a bike accident from a hit and run.  He came back and won Ironman Wisconsin.

This is one of the best interviews I’ve seen for a long time.  Both of these guys are solid.   They don’t really care about the fame or the glamour.  Just a pure dedication and commitment to be the best in their sports.  Both triathletes also started with a humble beginning.  They weren’t fast or very talented.  They just put in the work and get the job done.  There’s something to be said about success through hard work. Plus, they are  regular humble people that you might found at a local tri club.

If you are bored :)

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