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What did you do?

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In my church, we had a new English pastor for 6 months now. Before him, we were without a pastor for about a year and a half.

A friend once asked us how we got a new English pastor. I replied that we prayed really hard. We prayed every Wed (our weekly prayer meeting) and every Sun before service. By the time God answered, I think we were so tired we almost forgot to rejoice.
My friend looked at me as if there were more. She asked, “really what did you guys do?”
I guessed she was expecting some sort an answer like what strategy did we use and what steps we took to find a pastor. Side note: Many Chinese churches have a great need for English pastors. They are few in numbers!
Compare to God, what we do is very little. When we focus on what we do, we lost sight of what Sovereign One had done, is doing and will be doing. Everything starts with relying on Him and everything ends with depending on His providence.
John said, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” (1 John 3:30 NASB)
Compare to what I do, it is nothing compare to what God who makes things grow. I am tempted to boost my own works (sign of pride, ego, self centerness?)….when it is God who should take the credit. I need to decrease…

If you are bored :)

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