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Going back to things

My weekend had been spectacular. Last night after church, we went snowboarding. It was great to hit the slope again. My body is aching all over :o). Good stuff.

I am not sure about you but my life is quite busy.

And yesterday, last night, it was a good time to sit around.

My friend had a chalet and we drove up there around 3 pm or so. By 4:30 pm, we were out and about on the slope. I taught two friends how to board. I went down the green with a few friends. A lot of laughter bombing down the hill.

My friend’s mom was very hospitable and prepared loads of food for us. We came back to the chalet. Had a great meal and good chit chat. Then we head back home.

Sometimes in the midst of busy preparing, scheduling and planning, I forgot the simple things of life :o)

This goes to training as well. As I continued to look back, some of the best times were out on the bike without a care in the world. Without the ‘stress’ of needing to train for x hours or to ride for x HR. Just get on the bike and go.

I guess the type A mentality of me always want to go go go.

Coming around…it is an ever constant battle to set free time. To keep my schedule open.

Whether it be for hitting the pool or running around. Or spending time at home. Or sitting and doing nothing.

My friend last night asked me what I have been doing. I responded that I haven’t done much. I described how I would go for a swim after work. Then after that either I met up with friends or just stay home.

I can almost say my life is a bored :). Which I don’t consider as much of an offensive statement no more.

As I move from one events to another. One holidays to another. I just hope that I will never get so caught up in life that I don’t have time to stop and smell the roses….


Btw, I signed up at the Y….their pool is excellent. It will be my new home for a while now :D….

If you are bored :)

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