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Hasn’t Hit Me Yet

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I am always a fan of Blues Rodeo. Maybe because I am pessismistic in nature.

I like the lyric and the song goes straight to the heart.
This is one of the song I listen to a lot a while back…..

I never thought this could happen
But somehow the feeling is gone
You got sick of the patterns
And I got lost in this song
Hey hey I guess it hasn’t hit me yet
I fell through this crack
And I kinda lost my head
I stand transfixed
Before this streetlight
Watching the snow fall
On this cold December night

Hey hey I guess it hasn’t hit me yet
I fell through this crack
And I kinda lost my head
I stand transfixed
Before this streetlight
Watching the snow fall
On this cold December night

Hmm..nothing like in the street watching the snow comes down on a cold winter night.

And out in the middle of Lake Ontario
The same snow is falling
On the deep silent water
The great dark wonder
Into the waves of my heart
Into the waves of my heart
Of my heart…

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