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I will risk myself on you

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When Wai Jia and I planned our wedding a few months ago, we wanted to share with the world our story.  A friend introduced us a very talented videographer, Josiah Ng.

If you haven’t watched it, I hope you can take the next 13 minutes to watch the video below.  It is God’s story weaving into ours.


 There was a sentence at the end of the video; I will risk myself on you.

The video is a story of me risking everything to come to Singapore.  At the same time, I see a bigger dimension of risk.  It is God’s risking Himself, His Son, onto the world (John 3:16).

It is the Father saying …

Cliff, I risk my very own son to come to save you.  He is my beloved. He has to come to earth and to die on the cross to save you.  

Wow.  Our God is a risk-taking God.   He takes huge risks to save those who rebel against Him.  And I am still in-awe.  All the things happened within the past year since I left Canada, it is all from Him.  He provided a way to Singapore.  He provided the provision for the wedding.  He provided a Josiah to help us.  It is all Him.  What this means is that He is trust worthy.  Even right now, Wai Jia and I don’t know our future.  We can have peace because we know He is faithful.

In the Old Testament, whenever God did something great, the Israelite would build a landmark to commemorate God’s faithfulness and remembered His goodness.   Like in Joshua 4:4-9, the Israelite placed twelve stones in the middle of the Jordan to remember it was the Lord who stopped the river so they could cross.   And this wedding, it is a landmark in my life of God’s provision and His Guidance.

Note: I’ve been meaning to write a blog post on our wedding.  Very sorry!  I’ve been busy with settling down ever since our very special day :)))  Will post it soon!

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