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Prayer Jog…walk!?!

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Yesterday, I decided to go out for a jog.

I am very out of shape. I haven’t run since the Half Ironman I did a week and a half ago. Fitness drops sharply when we don’t exercise.

A jog quickly become a puffing content and I decided to walk instead.

As I walked around my neighborhood, I asked many things.

I was thinking how to reach those who live in Mississauga. My city. There were families of diverse culture and race in the playground. A couple was in front of their driveway describing the workers who were laying bricks. A bunch of kids in their soccer uniforms gathered around a basketball net. A cat sat quietly underneath a car without a care in the world.

There were many people taking an evening stroll. Kids were riding their bikes. Teenagers on their cell phone laughing and chatting.

I wondered how many of them know who Jesus is. How many of them are being reach or pray upon? How many of them are seeking? Do they know the Kingdom is coming?

So I walked and I prayed. I seek and ask. Where my King goes and I will go.

If you are bored :)

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