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Repost: Light and Darkness

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Taken from Lisa at Ratanak.

You can read the rest of the post here.

P’s son who is now 10 years old was so badly abused by some foreign pedophiles that the doctors needed 6 hours to stitch him up. Today, he was overjoyed to see his mother. His sister who is 8 years old was sold like many of the kids here. I mentioned them as just outside the Sanctuary where they were playing was a well known brothel owner who was sitting in a nearby tuk-tuk while Pastor Chantha was like the ‘Shepherd’ sitting outside looking at His sheep. She happens to be friends with the children’s mother. If you were to see her, you would think she is someone’s grandmother chatting with the kids. She looks non-threatening but don’t be fooled by her appearance. Her presence is a reminder that the darkness is always close by, how easily it seeks to encroach, encircle and consume the light. As the bible tells us, Satan is like a roaring lion looking to steal, kill and destroy. My reaction to her presence was to walk nearby and pray against all that she represents for the battle for the preservation of innocent young lives in this community is not against the flesh but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

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