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Seeking Christ Down South

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I have been in Australia for two weeks now.

One week at the Transplant Games. The next week wander around Fraser Island and Harvey Bay. I brought a few books and the Bible with me. I attended a friend’s church and we had great fellowship time.

One of the book I am reading is Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Faith in Community. This is written by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. His books are deep. I spent one week reading and meditating upon the first chapter. It is on fellowship.

Here’s some of the thoughts in my mind lately….

– Fellowship with Christ
– Fellowship in Christ
– Fellowship through Christ

One of the point he focus on was that fellowship is only possible through Christ. And the greatest hindrance to a fellowship is human desire (ego etc).

Through a mix of reading, praying and Bible Study at friend’s fellowship, it is dawning to me…how significant and crucial Jesus Christ is. This statement might seem trivial as all Christian knows this (or should know it). But do I live it as I know it? By this I thought about when it comes to fellowship for example…we might thank the leader for doing a good job..we might pad each other for helping each other out….but do we thank Christ for reconciling us with God? It is only through being right with God that we can go on to love our brethen (brothers and sisters).

WOW. I was thinking about this and I think Dietrich hit it on the spot. Unless I am right with God, I can never love my brothers and my sisters. This make sense because I am a sinner and an enemy to God. If God is love, then no matter how hard I try no matter how good intention I have, I can never ‘love’ others as God is the source of love and I am far away from it. It is Jesus and only Jesus who make us right with God. To know such love and to guide us to love others as well.

WOW. I am in awe by that. We are helpless to even help ourselves. And to have fellowship with God it is when Christ sacrifice Himself on the cross..where He died alone, among His enemies and with no fellowship with God (Oh Father, why have you forsaken me?), that we were made right and have relationship with God.

I wonder….when I talk about Christian stuff…do I add more than that…this should be the definitive of a Christian. Do I add more things for others to do to become a Christian (you have to do this this and that…) Or do I simply accept a brethen as someone redeemed by Christ as Christ redeemed me? And shouldn’t I celebrate in joy to have receive such fellowship which is given freely from God’s Grace???

This might be a vacation but Jesus Christ is all I am dwelling right now…..His fellowship I desire…one Sunday School teacher once commented that according to Paul…Jesus Christ is everything…everything else..like career, relationshps or things….is no a concern to Paul..when I live as a Christian..do i simply skimp on the salvation and then pray to ask for more things?? Or is Jesus Christ as we all sing songs and talk about..is enough?? I pray to Holy Spirit I sure hope so….

Jesus Christ only…everything else is not that important in the end….

One Response

  1. I loved Life Together as well – especially thinking about how tough Bonhoeffer's circumstances were (e.g. Nazi persecution), how he was able to produce these thoughts at that time.

    Glad to read updates from you from Down Under. :o)

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