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Talking to Him

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There are things that cause me to sigh…
There are things that I have no control…
There are things which grip my heart…

Last night I was reading My Heart-Christ’s Home by Robert Boyd Munger. It is a very simple book on surrendering one’s life to Christ. Munger used a house as an analogy to his heart. Jesus was his guest. As Munger showed Jesus room by room, there were many struggles in following Christ’s way and his way.

There is one particular part that caught my attention. Munger was showing Jesus his bedroom (an analogy of his relationship with his girlfriend. They were having some issues. Jesus said to him, “talk to me about it. Acknowledge the wrong! Take steps to avoid it happening again!

Talk to Him….

My sanctuary is found on the road. A place where I am alone before Him. A place where I found peace and quietness. A place of serenity. A place where I can express my feelings with no hestitation. To someone who has grace to listen wihtout judgement….

As I zip and zoom around the road, my heart will cry before the Lord. It is not very comfortable for me to do so. And I don’t know why. Maybe because I am ashame of my inqualities (perhaps pride?).

My hope is that my Lord will listen and He will comfort. For there are many things I cannot control. Though what I can control is the choice of relying on Him instead of my own strength…

If you are bored :)

Keep Moving Forward

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Dusting off this blog

I have been blogging since 2005. That’s almost 20 years! Though not very consistent. What started with a triathlon blog turned into a Christian blog. And I stopped blogging in 2011 after I came to Singapore. These days, I’ve shared most of my thoughts on social media (Facebook, Instagram and

Fruit for thought: The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill

I recently finished listening to the whole series of podcasts on The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill. It has been a sobering podcast to listen to. I highly recommend for those who are in seminary or going to ministry full-time to listen to. It is a good reminder that