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[Wed Q&A] How did you and Wai Jia meet and end up marrying so fast?

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How did you and Wai Jia meet and end up marrying so fast? Would love to hear your love story, if possible!

To be honest, it wasn’t as fast as you think.  Many people watched our video of how we got together and thought it was amazing. But in actual fact, we wrote to each other for about a year before I came to Singapore.  It was eleven months after I landed in Singapore that we got married.  What’s important is not how fast or how slow, but God’s timing and our obedience to Him.  We asked for the church’s approval and parental blessings.  We were prepared that if any party should say no, we would wait.

In fact, Wai Jia’s parents objected strongly, and we thought we might have to wait many more months or even years before their hearts would soften. At one point, I had to surrender to the Lord- I remember her father objecting to us marrying because he was concerned I would be unable to support us financially. I thought we would break up- Wai Jia’s parents were giving her pressure to end the relationship too. That was when God challenged me: If you two are no longer together, will you still serve me faithfully in Singapore? Will you feel like this journey here was a waste? I had to surrender and tell God, yes, I will still serve you whether or not this relationship works out. You are bigger and more than this relationship.

We fasted and prayed about this because we knew the importance of spiritual and parental blessings. We wanted to honour our parents and do the Lord’s will. We asked Him to show us the way. Many of our mentors prayed with and journeyed with us. After a period of prayer and fasting where God had to purify and refine our motives, her parents miraculously said yes! Now, Wai Jia jokes that I am the new favorite in her parents’ eyes.

Another factor is that I got married at 32.  I didn’t have a girlfriend until I was 32. I didn’t hold a girl’s hands or kiss a girl until I was 32.   Personally, if I can choose again I would get married a lot earlier. (Wai Jia told me one day she always prayed that she would marry someone who would have her as his first girlfriend- that’s why!)  But this is how the Lord led me. His plan, as we see, is always good! (Amen!)

You may also read about Wai Jia’s journey through relationships at her blog: www.blog.kitesong.sg

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