Hi, I am still working on updating my website. This means some of the content is not accessible. I am sorry about this :) Have a great day!

Holy Spirit, thank you.

My pastor made me memorize Acts 1:8 last week. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit come fourth. And you will be my witness to both Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria, and to the remotest part of earth. (memorize, did not copy, NASB version) Yesterday we had a anniversary service. It was […]

Recycle Me program… I think this is super cool: http://www.recycleme.org/

How do you start a movement??

Got this video from Dave Gibbons. Sometimes when we want change we feel like we are alone. And during these times, we often question where’s God is working in this place. Perhaps God is already working and already moving forward. This video reminded me of that. It shows that if you are the only person […]

Giving Thanks – Church 20th Anniversary

Next Sun, my church will be celebrating our 20 years anniversary. On the way back home tonight I was reflecting on things I am grateful and give praise for. I give thanks to: – for God working wonderfully in my church for 20 years. We started as a house church and with grace we grew […]

You know you have a friend when… Right now is 8 pm and I am tired. This week was my rest week and I took it easy. Mainly work is a bit busy. On Tues, I managed to do a set of miles repeat. My normal time was 7:30 and I was hitting 7:03, 6:51 […]


This week I have been busy. Work had me working on multiple projects at once. My church is having an anniversary and I am in charge of creating a video. I am going to Transplant Games in Australia in Aug and have to plan for that. Just right now, I am taking a look at […]

Random thoughts

Is 12:16 am and supposedly I should be working on a work project. Well, procrastination kicks in and my mind (and my mouse) wanders…. So I finished the book Eric Liddell Pure Gold. In the movie, Chariot of Fire, it portrays Eric Liddell’s leading up to the Olympics. The book spent majority of the time […]

Tired Today I did a long run of only 16 k (10 miles) before I called it off. My legs were sore and I was done for. I did some math tonight and realized yesterday I rode 120 km (75 miles), did a few hill repeats on the escarpment (brutal) and ran 10 min afterwards […]

Book Reflection: Eric Liddell Pure Gold

I finished reading Eric Liddell Pure Gold yesterday morning. My eyes were wet as the author described his family and how they hear the news. Because it was in war time, Eric’s family did not received the news until months later. His wife, Flo, was wondering when he would come back. What I am most […]