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A different world. http://blogs.fasterskier.com/patrickstinson/2010/02/08/hetland-says-more/ “If you want to win you need to train 1200 hours like Justyna (Kawuckchuck). You are not even close.” he said.“That’s rediculous! Not to mention totally ‘questionable’,” I said.“But have you tried? No. That’s why you won’t win. If you train 1200 hours THEN you will know how to train. You […]

Humility and pride

I went to the pool at the Y last night to swim. There were a class of young swimmers. They swim fast. As they passed me, I cannot help but to think I am 10-15 years older then most of them. I am a triathlete for five years, finished an Ironman and a multiple of […]

This week

Last night I was sharing with a friend that in the five years of becoming a Christian, the past week I can say it had been some of the most trying times in being a Christian. A lot of reconciliation..a lot of seeking Him alone for answers..a lot of pleaing for the Holy Spirit to […]

Take the first step: asking for forgiveness

In my meditation upon the book of Habakkuk a few nights ago, the LORD has impressed me to go make peace with brothers and sisters who I have wronged them. With the things I experienced through in the past few days…I am reminded by what Jesus call us to do…love your God and love your […]

Jesus You are Worthy

Jesus You are mercy. Jesus You are justice. Jesus You are worthy. That is what you are. You die alone to save me. You rose so You can raise me. You did all this to make me, a chosen child of God. Worthy is the Lamb that once was slain. To receive all glory, power […]

Dark Clouds

This is a reflection from the book of Habakkuk. It is a short book from the minor prophets in the Old Testament. The book is a dialogue between the prophet, Habakkuk, and God. In the beginning (Chapter 1 to 2:2), Habakkuk asked why there are violence and uproar against the Judah and the LORD is […]

Psalm 142 – Prayer for Help in Trouble

I am a deacon in my church in the English Congregation. The past week, as a leader I had to deal with a matter I never expected or seen. I have no direction exception laying it out before the Lord. I have been sitting and praying and listening to the Lord for Him to guide […]