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IT Guide: Use less Internet bandwidth for iPhones and iPads

I wrote two guides on how to use less Internet bandwidth for Windows machine and Android devices.  I am learning to use less bandwidth as being in Uganda, Internet is very expensive (1 GB = $15 USD!).  My wife uses an iPhone 4 and we have a wifi iPad 2 at home.  I will admit […]

IT Guide: Use less Internet bandwidth for Windows 7

Compare to Canada and Singapore, Uganda’s Internet is expensive. We don’t have unlimited data. In order to reduce our cost, I started to configue my computer to use as little bandwidth as possible. There are obvious things I can do such as not watch videos or download big files online. I also configured my Windows […]

IT Guide: Use less Internet bandwidth for Android Phones and Tablets

In order to limit our bandwidth usage in Uganda (and save a few bucks), I started to configue my Android phone, Samsung Galaxy S2, to use as little bandwidth as possible. I mod my phone with SlimRoms, so this means that my steps to access certain settings might be different on your Android devvice. I […]

IT Guide: General strategies to reduce Internet bandwidth usage

I wrote a few guides on how to reduce Internet bandwidth usage for specific devices. They are: iOS devices (iPad and iPhone) Android devices (phone and tablet) Windows 7 What I like to add is there are general strategies that can help you use even less bandwidth. You can apply them to regardless of the device (Windows, […]