Hi, I am still working on updating my website. This means some of the content is not accessible. I am sorry about this :) Have a great day!

A change in direction

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I can’t believe I have kept this blog for more than 10 years now. But I started blogging much earlier. My first blog was about my triathlon journey and Ironman training in 2005. Blogging was a way for me to connect with other triathletes and endurance maniacs 😀

Slowly, I started to switch to writing and reflect more about Christianity. And I ended up with this blog.

As you can see, I don’t post much these days. I prefer posting on Instagram/Facebook because most of my friends are there, and I can share quickly.

I always thought I would write more about following Jesus. I still do. But right now, it seems more of that I posted on my social media accounts.

I feel like I am changing direction with this blog/website.

Last month, I went to Perth to compete in the World Transplant Games. I raced in the sprint triathlon. I wanted my family to see me race, and I had a hard race. I know I am a bit strange, but I love those moments in racing when I am in pain, and I want to keep going. You can’t replicate that in training. Anyways, God is so good to me and granted my wish. I haven’t raced for ten-plus years and it was still fun to go out and give it my all.

Anyways, we came back, and we are preparing a recce trip to Africa. Now I am no longer training, and the kids are in school half day, I started to look for work.

I’ve been building websites pretty much my whole life. I started back in 1999 in the days of dial-up and GeoCities. Haha, it was so basic back then. I’ve always liked to tinker with websites here and there, on and off. Now, I feel like I should take this up again.

Partly, I have time on my hands to do so. Second, also we need to pay the bills. Lastly, this is a possible work for me to do when we are on the mission field.

This site, clifftam.com, can be a great way to practice web design and build my portfolio. I am not sure what to do with my blog. I do like to share more and write more. I am still thinking and exploring how to create a website that showcases my web development skills and a blog on Christianity. If you look at marketing, you will see that you shouldn’t mix both because if you are coming to check my web development skills, you won’t be interested in what it means to follow Jesus. And vice versa.

But both are my passion and what I enjoy. So we will see how I will integrate both.

In terms of my web development skills, I feel I am relearning a lot of things I used to know (or think I know). I can tell you I often feel I am not so confident in building a website or web design. I’ve had bad experiences before of being unable to deliver or not delivering well. Or working with clients who have poor communication skills. But I can’t just let those negative experiences keep me from learning. So, it is a humbling process but also a fun one. It feels hard to restart the engine since I haven’t built any websites for a long time. But at the same time, I want to do it. It is just like how I learned to swim at 24. Just focus on one stroke at a time. I am currently building a website for The Ordinary Dad (my stay-at-home dad community).

Anyway, enough of my rambling. If you are one of the rare regular visitors, thank you for reading this post.

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