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This week I have been busy.

Work had me working on multiple projects at once. My church is having an anniversary and I am in charge of creating a video. I am going to Transplant Games in Australia in Aug and have to plan for that. Just right now, I am taking a look at the courses I need to take for Mac Div. None of the courses, I need I can take as I have work full time.

This is not include two weeks of training I have left before Half Ironman Peterborough.

Today after work, my mind was numb. I was so busy and tired I didn’t have time to think. I was planning to go for a bike ride. I ditched that and ended up praying and taking a nap.

It is very much easy to get distracted with busy-ness. Fast pace life. Things start to fly around. Relationships seem to be less important. As often, I need to stop and focus on where my hopes lie on. Not on physical things as they fade and rust away.

Tomorrow, I am doing a morning ride before going to the dentist. This is the rare moment I can be quiet and meditate. I needed to be out in the wilderness. Out on the road the Sanctuary stretches and is full of Creator’s grace and beauty. Just looking the sun racing across the sky, I am already in awe of His Glory.

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If you are bored :-)

The easiest way to send money to Tanzania

One of the complex parts of living in Africa is getting money to spend. In most places, you have to pay in cash. I am surprised to see many places in Tanzania starting to accept debit/credit cards. But there are still many things you have to pay in cash. The