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By the numbers: Annual Transplant Clinic Visit

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This morning I went to Toronto General Hospital for my annual Transplant Clinic check up.

As usual, nothing bad. Usually I am in and out.

Despite the time spent driving downtown in rush hour and the money spent on parking, I shouldn’t complain at all.  It’s good to be normal and healthy sometimes.  And I often forget about the miracle I had 19 years earlier (liver transplant).

Here are my numbers…

Blood pressure – 140/90 (A tad high)
Weight – 153 lbs (I lost three lbs compare to last year.  Quite surprise considering I stop training this season.)
Cr (assess kidney function) – 89 average (Doc said considering the medication I am taking, this is a very good number)
Bilirubin (assess liver function) – 20-30 avg (Doc said I had been hovering these for the past few years.  No worries)

For the past few months, with what’s going on at church, work and other related incidents, I felt a big fat cloud over my head.  Can barely think.  Clear thoughts are hard to find.  Joyful moments even rarer.

During the last St Jamestown mission training, the youth pastor mentioned to the team to always choose joy.

I was thinking about that for the past few days.  Choose joy.  Joy in the midst of chaos and uncertainty. Just as Habakkuk said..

Though the fig tree does not bud 

and there are no grapes on the vines, 

 though the olive crop fails 

 and the fields produce no food, 

 though there are no sheep in the pen 

 and no cattle in the stalls,

yet I will rejoice in the LORD, 

I will be joyful in God my Savior.

The Sovereign LORD is my strength; 

he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, 

he enables me to go on the heights. 

Habakkuk 3:17-19

Doc and I talked briefly about my blood pressure.  He told me to keep watch on that for a few months.  If it is still high, I might need medication.  The interesting thing is that when I was training a lot like in 2006 to 2007, my blood pressure was so good.  So I guess this is a reason for me to go do more active things.

And this is where I am going to go….go on my bike and choose to rejoice in the Lord… 🙂

Note: Doc also mentioned that next year will be my 20th anniversary with my liver.  WOW!  He also asked me to rate my quality of life from 0 to 10 (10 being good).

I said….11  =DDD

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