Hi, I am still working on updating my website. This means some of the content is not accessible. I am sorry about this :) Have a great day!

For the Love of Money

The issue with addiction with money is very hard to detect. Not many people is willing to have such examination of one’s heart as the author. We often praise those who make lots of wealth. This probably fuels the addiction. Perhaps we should all examine our own heart once in a while. “I generally think […]

Marriage Quote from Bonhoeffer

Marriage is more than your love for each other. It has a higher dignity and power, for it is God’s holy ordinance, through which he wills to perpetuate the human race till the end of time. In your love you see only your two selves in the world, but in marriage you are a link […]

Jackie Pullinger’s sharing in GO2013

I found this video earlier this week and Wai Jia and I watched it together. We were both moved and learnt a lot regarding missions. A few key I learnt from the video: We can learn how to pray for healing and cast out demons. We need to be very intentional about missions. Are we […]


On my triathlon bike, I have a computer that measures my cadence, speed and various things. It also measures how long I pedal on my bike.   So whenever I go for a long training ride, the time on my watch will measure the total time of my ride. The bike computer will measure the […]

A New Year to Follow the Lord

It must be around 25 when I started to count my age and realize how little time I have left on earth.  When I was younger I never thought like this.  We all think we will live forever.  As one year passes, I realized that time is short.  In April, I am turning 34.  In […]

First Time Preaching

Before Christmas we went to India on a ten day mission trip.  We were living with an American missionary couple and it was a great experience for us.  The lesson to stay flexible is a continuous reminder on this trip.  Originally we were supposed to go to visit churches in rural area.   We packed […]

Merry Christmas

Wai Jia and I came back from a ten day mission trip before Christmas.  We had a great experience and we see how this trip prepared us when we go to Africa for long term mission. Today is Christmas and we watched the Charlie Brown Christmas together.  It is so good to see how a […]

The poor you will always have with you

A while ago during fellowship, someone said, “well Jesus said we will always have the poor.” I wasn’t sure what we were talking about.  Maybe it was about the poor.  Then we talked about something else. For the longest time, I felt there’s something not right when it comes to using this line.  What does […]

Being In Christ

I wrote this post a few weeks ago.  It just took some time to publish it. Today’s morning prayer we studied Colossians 2:6-7.   Our homework from yesterday was to bring an object that symbolize this passage.  As each of us brought different items and explain to others what they stand for, someone brought this […]