I lived in Hong Kong until I was eight before my family moved to Canada. Hong Kong has a special place in my heart. I have fond memories of my relatives and cousins gathering together during Chinese New Year and other holidays. For Christmas, I would stay at my grandparents (my mother’s side). They would […]
[Wed Q&A] How did you and Wai Jia meet and end up marrying so fast?
How did you and Wai Jia meet and end up marrying so fast? Would love to hear your love story, if possible! To be honest, it wasn’t as fast as you think. Many people watched our video of how we got together and thought it was amazing. But in actual fact, we wrote to each […]
A Boat Bobbing in an Ocean
For the past few weeks, many people inquired about the future of my wive and me. My role with OMF is for two years. I decided to renew for six more months to finish up some of the projects that I am involve in. I can say, the next few weeks and months will be […]
[Wed Q&A] How do you know what you do is something that God has paved for you
When becoming a missionary, I know that it is something that we are all called to, more or less, but how do you know what you do is something that God has paved for you? For example, why this place? Why that long? Why this ministry? Listening to the Holy Spirit and understand God’s way […]
[Wed Q&A] How is your relationship or any relationship able to stay God centered
How is your relationship or any relationship able to stay God centered. And how is it possible to live out a life that is truly and wholeheartedly following the Lord. There are so many temptations in the world that it seems like I am so easily sidetracked. My answer might sound like a circular argument. […]
Your faith has to be bigger than your physical body
Your faith has to be bigger than your physical body.Ravi Zacharias
His Glory or my glory
Ever since I got married, one of the things I tried to save time is to iron all my shirts at once. Since it is a mindless activity, I will go to Youtube and listen to a sermon or two. Lately, I’ve been listening to Ravi Zacharias. Ravi was preaching the temptation of Christ in […]
[Wed Q&A] How do you deal with the large uncertainty in income security that comes with missionary work?
How do you deal with the large uncertainty in income security that comes with missionary work? The reality is that life (even for anyone else) is not truly secure. Jobs are never secure. Economy goes up and down. Government and big companies cut back all the time. Money is never truly secured. No matter how […]
[Quote] Repentance
Repentance is truly happening when you are more concern for God’s name than your own.Chris Wright
[Quote] Reponse to sin
There are only two responses to sin: repentance or the hardening of the heart. Chris Wright