Our Fear of Being Ordinary
I carried them everywhere when my kids were young, like 3 and 1. I would strap the baby on my chest and carry my three-year-old in one arm. I remember a few times, people in the mall would applaud me and call me “super dad.” Being a stay-at-home dad (SAHD), one would think that encouraged […]
The struggle in doing chores
I have been a stay-at-home dad since mid-2009, and there is still one thing that I still struggle with. And that is doing chores. A good example is what happened last night. Because I took the car for maintenance during the day, I didn’t have time to buy groceries. Usually, I shop during the day. […]
Basing our identity on our works
If God can use David, a shepherd boy, He can use you. Anyone can be used by God You are special, and God has a plan for you. I noticed many encouraging sermons or talks wrapped around these messages lately. That you are special and don’t give up because God can still use you. The […]
Chasing the Unknown
Hi Wai Jia, I am going to climb the Bluff Knoll today. If you don’t hear me by the end of the day, please call for help. A few weeks ago, Bluff Knoll came up when I was checking out hiking trails in Perth. It is the highest peak in Western Australia, with an elevation […]
42 and easter reflections
Today is Easter Sunday and also my bday. Woohoo, I turn 42! It is more special to reflect on the cross. Since the beginning of this year, I’ve been asking myself, how has the cross changed my life?There is one thing that is grappling with my heart. It asks me how the cross changed the […]
Welcome back Wai Jia
It has been about two weeks since Wai Jia came back from Eswatini. Since she came back, we tried out a new routine in Team Tam. Even though she was gone for only 7 weeks (feels like 7 years!), a lot of things have changed. For one, our older child started going to school during […]
Two weeks ago, I discovered that we have COVID. So all of us (me, my kiddies, and my mom) are isolated at home for seven days. It was crazy. I feel like God is stretching me. First, be a stay-at-home dad with Wai Jia. Then, Wai Jia is off to Africa while I look after […]
Toil and Spin
This is the dwarf sunflower we planted just before Wai Jia flew to Africa. I am such a garden newbie that I have no idea if it was weed or a sunflower when it was growing. Earlier this week, our neighbour told us that it bloomed. When I saw this flower, the first thing that […]
Doing More by doing less
Wai Jia, my wife, has been away from us for almost a month now. She is now in Africa helping out with UNICEF. This has been one of the most intense periods of my life because I am looking after the kiddies 24/7. Before I go on, I will say that I can only do […]
Living off of God’s Word
I am not the type that makes yearly resolutions. It is not because I don’t believe in planning; I do. It is because most of my plans are not based on calendar time. One of my plans is to finish my thesis. I have already finished writing it and am in the process of editing […]