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Checking in…

Hey all,

A week come and gone. I want to say thanks for everyone’s post about my pinky toe. After a lot of icing and some ibuprofen, by Monday I was out and about.

My running legs are coming back. On the other hand, in the past few days, I have been waking up with a cough. My weekend was a lot of down time. Lots of naps, breaks and in general lazy around.

On Sat, I went out for a long run. Something ain’t right (probably from my sickness). My HR was higher than normal. I can’t get it below 165. Last few kms was brutal. Just baking out there. I keep wondering where’s the rain (the weather channel was warning there are thunderstorms).

I thought I did 19 km. After tracking the map, I only did 15 km. That would explain why I finished so fast. I also need to have longer run routes. The weather forecast said it would rain. Instead, I was baking under the sun. By the time I ran back home, it started to down pour. And I really mean down pour, there was a stream forming in my backyard.

Yesterday, instead of going for a run after church, I stayed home and snooze. Good thing I took a quick run before church.

Things wise, I am getting ready to go to Transplant Olympic. I got my vacation approved at work (yes). I emailed a local newspaper and the sport report wants to do a story on me (yes). I am going to ask other local TV/radio stations to see if they are interested.

I would love to promote transplant awareness out to the public.

Training wise, this week will be the same as last week. Go out to run as much as I can (in relative to how I am recovering from the sickness). And get as much rest as I can 🙂

Training Summary for July 21-26

Mon – 45′ (w/ friends, EZ)
Tues – 65′ (w/ another friend, faster pace, Z3)
Wed – 60′ Hill repeats (Z3 max)
Thurs – 21′ (EZ w/ 5 Strides)
Fri – Rest
Sat – 102′ (Long run)
Sun – 25′ EZ run + 10′ Bike

Total Run Time – 5 hr 20 min
Total Run mileage – 52.9 km

I wouldn’t say very impressive. Given the cough. I would say this is ok.

If you are bored :)

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