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Last year in Dec 25th through struggling in finding contentment in life, I made a contract with God. I called it a Declaration Of Intent. You can view it in this posting.

It has been a year since the contract was signed. Looking back there were many things I see God working in my life.

Some of the highlights including being a tool to spend time to outreach to others who are in need. And care for those who are abandon. Around the same time last year I started to read the Bible from beginning to the end. I am now into Chapter 15 or so in Revelation. I also go deeper into Jesus ministry and strive to live a life closer to Him. Especially in the area of money spending.

I am right now in a phase of clearing junk in my life. I notice my life has a lot of stuff which I not necessary need. They gathered up in my room. Collecting dust. I need simplicity of things, not quantity.

With many social engagement around Christmas and the holidays, it is often easy to forget about the meaning of Christmas.

I too lately have felt the overwhelming affect of a lot of wining and dining. With the mentality to consider on the go, I really needed the time off to sit still with God.

Today I decided to go up to north to a trail which I used to run to be quiet. In the wilderness, in God’s Creation, I tried very hard to let all these things go. To simply enjoy in His persence. It was tough. My mind kept racing.

I look back to my three years of being a ‘Christian’. For the past two years, I do not remember the importance of Christmas. I ‘heard’ of the Sunday School answer. I can recite it like a recorder. But there is a lack of the heart. There is no passion.

As I was standing by the river today and thought about what’s the holidays were all about. It became ever clear that this is the great love of God being passed onto us. The birth of Jesus, is the point where God came down on earth as a human being to live with us and to reconcile our relationship back to Him. A pinnacle point where God and human history come hand in hand.

And I think this is cool. If not, super cool. Because this is what Kingdom of God is. Jesus is bringing the Kingdom of God to us. And why is this so cool?

Because it gives hope. It frees those who are mistreated. It brings peace and justice to all those who need it.

As I see how God worked in my life and the conviction to help those in need, it dawned on me that I can go through Christmas focusing on Christ or go through Christmas like going through the motion.

The irony is that in both cases, the action is the same. However, internally, the heart, the mind, the soul, the attitude is entirely different.

Allow me to explain….

Lately, I’ve been going back to swimming again. I realize that in order for me to swim better, ever drill I do. Every stroke I take, I have to focus.

If I do the drill without focus, I might as well not do them at all. I have to keep myself focus. Even when I am distracted, I have to focus. It is not just a matter of being in the pool. It is the incredible feat of focusing in the present, of each stroke every sec of every min in the pool.

Just like being a Christian. One can go to Church week in and week out, go through Christmas like going through the motion and simply not know what Christmas is about.

Or one can come in and be glad and rejoices to celebrate that God love us so much that He will allow His Son to come down and dwell with us and die for us.

…when I was at Church, I cannot keep myself singing out loud and cheer for God and for us.

The Jesus that I follow. Decided to come down. Not in glitzy or glamorous or spectacular entrance. No fireworks or fire in the sky or lightning show. No big signs require.

Rather in a manger, in the stable. Wrap in a cloth. In a human birth. Natural and normal. Like a mustard seed. So small. Hardly noticeable. And yet the Good News that He brings will grow and grow and grow and grow….

Now that’s cool.

If you are bored :)

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