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Cliff’s Ultimate Ironman Diet

Most Ironman lasts from 12-16 hours. Proper nutrition is crucial. This is not my original ideas. I have only recently stumble upon them. I don’t think even the pros are doing it. I can’t imagine how fast they can go if they realize what I about to show you guys.

Before I get started, let’s get the disclaimer out of the way.

Cliff Tam and Blogger.com should not be used as a sole source of nutrition without medical approval. These ideas are not to be used without medical supervision. This diet is not intended for use by infants, children, or pregnant and lactating women. Consult your physician before starting any diet. The information contained in this Website is provided for general informational purposes only. It is not intended as and should not be relied upon as medical advice. The information may not apply to you and before you use any of the information provided in the site, you should contact a qualified medical, dietary, fitness or other appropriate professional. If you utilize any information provided in this site, you do so at your own risk and you specifically waive any right to make any claim against Blogger.com, its officers, directors, employees or representatives as the result of the use of such information.

Fat has more energy than carbs or protien. One pound of fat yields 3,500 calories. Since the bike is the longest leg in Ironman, it makes sense to consume the most amount of calories during that leg. The question becomes where do we store on nutrition on our bike? Fortunately, with some creative thinking, there are many places to store the extra fat that you need on the bike trip.

Here is a six inch sub.
The sub is whopping with fat.

It is a steak sub with cheese and mayonaise (i asked to add extra mayonaise on it). By putting the six inch sub into the tennis balls holder, I am able to eat this bad boy whenever I needed. It also has protien and carbs. A perfect snack for those long hours on the bike.

With the popularity of Ironman, Pringles also jump on the wagon. Their package fits convinently into a bike cage? Conincidence? I think not. Also with their high salt content, you don’t have to worry about your electrolytes.

As you can see from this pic, the fatty goodies fit nicely in the bike cages. Now whenever you feel that you are running low on fat, you know where to get your fix.

For someone who has a sweet tooth and want some fatty stuff, the perfect solution….Cadbury eggs. Put them on your bento box and they are ready to go.
This one for you, Nytro.

Lastly, of course. Hydration is an issue. Besides you need something to wash it down with right? Beer. Not only do they pack with lots of carbs, they also have some trances of potassium.

Drink Responsibly. Ride Responsibly

Note: My dentist pull an April Fool on me today. I suppose to go for two root canal. He told me I needed three. Ha… I wish the third one was free…but whatever it is done. 🙂 Next step..clean teeth, crown and implant.
Note note: A beer and some Cadbury eggs got consumed in the process. 🙂

If you are bored :)

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