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Confession: Lack of compassion

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An email I sent to a friend:

Open Door was very interesting..i walked in and there was a lady waiting outside. She is one of the regular-ers. She was saying how she needed a jacket now and cannot wait for tomrorow.

To be honest, she was very rude and I do not want to help her. After a while we took the clothes from the storage room to Open Door. The lady who is organizing there was very kind to her. The lady who wanted a jacket kept changing her mind and later walked away with two.

She kept saying “God really blessed me, thank you so much” and even kiss the lady (who was in charge) on the hand…

I feel totally convicted..shame on me as i should have more compassion and not less. She needed more help not less.

A little lesson and a reminder. I am here to serve and not to judge. To help those who Jesus will help and not be served.

Shame on me.

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