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Darrin Patrick – Life with Non-Christians

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Got this from Missio Dei Suburbia:

For me, there are two area which I am intentionally at. Triathlon and Open Door.

Off the bat, Darrin stresses do you like hanging out with non-Christians. This strike a cord. For me, there is always a tendency to hang out with Christians and live life. And often, people get offended when I made such a statement. Evangelism/outreach/missional is not a one day or two week a year phenomenon. It is a everyday living breathing sharing lives attitude.

Btw, early birthday present for myself 😀

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What’s the Ordinary Radicals?

In the margins of the United States, there lives a revolutionary Christianity. One with a quiet disposition that seeks to do “small things with great love,” and in so doing is breaking 21st Century stereotypes surrounding this 2000 years old faith. “The Ordinary Radicals” is set against the modern American political and social backdrop of the next Great Awakening. Sharing a relevant outlook for people with all faith perspectives, director Jamie Moffett examines this growing movement.

Check out the following trailer:

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