Some people might hate it and some people might love it but I love Facebook. I love Facebook because I get to catch up with all my friends back in Canada. It is nice to see what they are up to like when my church had their summer retreat or a friend’s wedding. Even though, I cannot be there physically, it is amazing how technology allows me to connect to someone half way around the world.
This afternoon, I was searching for some of my ‘old’ friends on Facebook to see how they are doing. I realized that they are no longer on my Facebook. I don’t know if these individuals unfriend me or quit Facebook. Maybe there’s a glitch in the system. Instead of being angry about it, I feel sad. One might argue why feel sad because I haven’t spoken to them for a long time. That’s part of life. You can’t be everyone’s friend. Time to move on.
Yes, it is not possible to be buddy buddy to hundreds of contacts. At the same time, every friendship is special and precious because every individual is special and precious.
When I was in Canada in June to have a little wedding celebration with my friends and love ones, it was a great time to see everyone again.