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Ingredients for a good conversation

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I am meeting with a prof from Mac Div tomorrow for coffee. I never sat down with a prof off hours and chat.

Today I made up a few questions to ask. Not really questions but thoughts that have been going off my mind. There is nothing like picking brains from those smarter than you and see what they think. If you are me, that wouldn’t pose much of a problem as my intelligence is no better than an average bear 😀


1 Cup of:

Mississauga – Share the gospel
– surbuban
– pockets of diverse communities
– rich and the poor live in close proximity physically (how to reach to both?)
– yet between neighbours, we do not know each other (physical closeness does not equate to relationship closeness)

2 teaspoons of:
– where do the gospel fit in?
– where do the church fit in?
– where do the institutionalized church fit in?

For added flavor, add 150 ml of:

– how does reach out/local evangelism look like?
– from a chinese christian culture, how does that look?
– MCAC perspective?
– where’s God already working in our church and in the lives of others (inside and outside of church)?

Add a pinch of third culture, third place, post-modernism and post-Christiandom

Shake for 15 min. Add water until it softens. Stir and serve. 😀

If you are bored :)

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