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Jackie Pullinger’s sharing in GO2013

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I found this video earlier this week and Wai Jia and I watched it together. We were both moved and learnt a lot regarding missions.

A few key I learnt from the video:

  1. We can learn how to pray for healing and cast out demons.
  2. We need to be very intentional about missions. Are we doing for the people or are we doing it for our own experience?
  3. We need to see mission more than just a two weeks trip.  Transformation takes time.  The people we are reaching are not dumb.  They know we just come and go.  In order to share the Love of Christ they need to know we love them.
  4. Facebook and smart phones can be a distraction to doing the Lord’s work.
  5. It ain’t about just going but willing to STAY!


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