Hi, I am still working on updating my website. This means some of the content is not accessible. I am sorry about this :) Have a great day!

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It seems that I have fallen off the blogasphere. Going on a bit of a hiatus.
We are renovating the house. Everything is moved down to the basement. Tonight, I bought my bike up for a quick 2 hr ride.
I went snowshoeing last Sat. It was nice. As much as I want to go more, there isn’t that much snow here. This year had been unreasonably warm.
Running wise my left foot is getting sore. Not sure what’s going on. Perhaps it is from the extra weight from the off-season (maybe I need a pair of new shoes).
Will update whenever I can 🙂

3 Responses

  1. Yeah, I'm now in Milwaukee and the temps are high 30's with relatively little snow around. I'm a bit disappointed!

    Hope you are able to figure out that foot pain. Approx how many miles do you have on your running shoes? I usually replace mine betw 300-400 miles.

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