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JMC 2009 – Day 2 – A few thoughts

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Just finish second day at JMC. Very awesome. Feels like the Holy Spirit is directing and guiding me in a few direction. Very awesome…

It is getting late and tomorrow I got a big day to head to Peterborough and race Half Ironman on Sun. Before I go, there is a few thoughts I am impress upon…

i) The Art of Losing Myself

This morning worship we sang From The Inside Out by Hillsong….one of the lyrics is the art of losing myself. Since reading Dave Gibbon’s blog post on things he and Eric McManus changed as they grew up. In Eric’s response, in his 20s, he focused on himself and in his 30s he started to bring others up. I was thinking about my own self and the constant desire to do my own thing and voice my opinion. It became ever cleared that there is a lot of pride and self righteousness. The constant desire to prove my points and doing it my way. I have to learn as Dave said in the post to understand there is more than one way.

Also, to realize that as leaders (and myself), my role really is to serve others. Not to use the title as a authoritative and in the process choke other’s growth and desire. But rather to help encourage and faciliate.

And in order to do that, I have to lose myself. Really, Cliff Tam, the individualistic side has to die (Mark 8:34-35). The me first, me always right, who do you think you are in telling me what to do, let me tell you what I think and how you are wrong mentality gotta go. There is no room for that in the pursuit of the Kingdom of God. Self deny and intention self-sacrifice for others…become quite strange and very attractive thoughts. Yet when it comes to serving others, and especially following Christ, this just make sense.

ii) The Poor

JMC had a number of workshops for English and Chinese. I was looking at the Chinese workshops and noticed there was one prepared by Joanne Beach on Establishing the Church Through Acts of Compassion. Since I know Joanne’s husband, Lee Beach (my prof, a friend and came to speak at my church), I figure I sneak in the session. Here’s a quote I picked up from the session:

We may need the poor more than they need us.

– Dave Collins, Former Director of Food for the Hungry

This just hits home. Until I spent time at Open Door, I do not realize I am actually rich. And how I self indulge at the expense of the others. Need to strive to live simpler and less self indulge. Where I spent my money is where my faith lies. More on that later..

iii) If Jesus is in Mississauga, where would He be?

That was the driving question I asked among a few brothers from my church. We always sing about God is in the City and we should reach out. During the morning service, I thought…where would Jesus be in Mississauga? Who would He talk to? Where would He live? Where would He hang out?

…good questions :o)…

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